3月 202012

To save the split log for every host([hostname].access_log), Apache is easy.
I want the same action in varnishncsa. What should I do?

Use the options -m [tag:regex], -w [file], -a and -D.

-m perform a regex match to the tag’s log entry.
-w write log to a file.
-a append log. Will be overwritten if you do not specify.
-D Daemonize.

exec varnishncsa(host is a.example.net and b.example.net)

varnishncsa -m "RxHeader:^Host: a.example.net$" -a -w /var/log/varnish/a.example.net.access_log -D
varnishncsa -m "RxHeader:^Host: b.example.net$" -a -w /var/log/varnish/b.example.net.access_log -D

after request

cat a.example.net.access_log - - [20/Mar/2012:12:51:50 +0900] "GET http://a.example.net/a HTTP/1.0" 200 280 "-" "Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)"

cat b.example.net.access_log - - [20/Mar/2012:12:51:59 +0900] "GET http://b.example.net/a HTTP/1.0" 200 280 "-" "Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)"

work as expected.

If you want to log rotate, please send the SIGHUP.

  One Response to “[tips]varnishncsa save the split log for every host”

  1. […] A good solution that I’ve found in the blog blox.xcir.net is to have 1 dedicated daemon for every virtual host and use the flag -m that is used to perform a regex match to the tag’s log entry so if we have 2 virtual host: linuxaria.com and l […]

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